Drowned legal books, black with mold, covered the classroom floor.
Oiled wooden hall and classroom floors also fueled the fire.
This time it was a minute before Harry understood why he was lying on a dusty classroom floor.
I hugged him and whispered, "I promise there won't be one scrap of paper on the classroom floor for a whole year!"
Nor are yellow school buses or the slippery feel of new shoes on waxed classroom floors.
He built computer tables for the school and laid new wooden tiles on a classroom floor.
'Quite,' said Wilt, hoping to hell nothing was actually taking place on any of his classroom floors.
Some days, the fifth graders clear the classroom floor to play ring toss.
She tried to teach, he said, but students did not take her seriously and threw her graded papers on the classroom floor.
For more than three hours, William David Sanders lay dying on a classroom floor.