She passed without really seeing an enlisted man in the passage, and another at the head of the stairs down to the classroom level.
However, at the classroom level there may be specific objectives set for a particular session or activity.
But it may be unfair to look for remedies at classroom level from such global data.
The clubhouse and the classroom levels are the only ones to contain more than one activity.
Many states still rely on information gathered at the district, school or even the classroom level.
At the classroom level, the teaching and learning methods have to be organised to allow for much more than simple coverage of the topic.
The parents' role mirrors the community's, at both the schoolwide and the classroom level.
School psychologists offer many services to teachers and students on a classroom level.
On the classroom level, this situation can put teachers and students in chilling predicaments.
Such children, therefore, should not be seated near a window and the classroom levels of lighting may have to be adapted.