Mr. Levy said it might not be possible to avoid cutting classroom programs to close the budget gap.
This includes school wide, partial school, after school, summer camp, and some classroom programs.
But a budget freeze need not translate into cuts to vital classroom programs.
It has a ready audience in the state's school-age population, and classroom programs have been devised.
Santos said that he took no pleasure in the decision, but added that it was necessary to protect classroom programs.
Now try to imagine doing that job while dismantling fundamental classroom programs and escorting thousands of teachers to the unemployment lines.
The classroom programs range from preschool through twelfth grade.
The idea is that when the new ventures are profitable, they will help pay for society expeditions, research and classroom programs.
But it largely keeps intact the system of allocating money for classroom programs.
We can lobby school boards to create natural playgrounds and expand outdoor classroom programs.