Amitabh Bhattacharya's lyrics in the other tracks were called "a classy act".
When it comes to classical music, the 92d Street Y's 10-year Schubertiade project is about the classiest act in town.
Sad anyone thinks this is a classy act!
But this is a very classy act.
Tony - 5 days ago Very classy act by Savard, hats off to that, and hope he'll get well.
"To me, that's one of the classiest acts I've ever seen in golf," said a teammate, Tom Kite.
Winding down its current pledge period, public television goes for a couple of classy acts this weekend, both offered under the "Great Performances" umbrella.
The girls put on a classy act.
There are, however, classier acts.
Yet if this extraordinary ordinary woman does get a private frisson of vanity from her fame then hers is a classy act of concealment.