Its video clip aired on Rotana Music Channels, attracting a large audience through its classy styles, such as the spider-webbed characteristics.
She presents an elegant, classy personal style that advertisers have gravitated to.
Its classy style cost half as much as Mercedes's top-of-the-line SL-Series roadsters.
Consider the classy classic styles that have been reinterpreted, or the proper equestrian gear that has been appropriated for everyday wear.
His classy left-handed style of batting combined with his solid defensive technique accounts for a great opening batsman in the making.
No distractions: just authentic, classy Tuscan style and hospitality.
Jackie defined classy, casual American style.
Love Kate's classy style!
He realized we needed better accommodations, bigger planes, a classier style.
He conducted it in classy, classical style and it is well worth study.