Each has a clause calling for $50,000 if he is named comeback player of the year.
Rwanda voted against the clause calling for an arms-embargo, but it did not prevent the resolution from being adopted.
He wanted to make sure that the Palestinians lived up to their commitment to amend their charter, eliminating clauses calling for Israel's destruction.
Tudor and Boyd each have a clause calling for a $50,000 bonus for being the comeback player of the year.
Canceling the clauses calling for Israel's destruction has been a central Israeli demand, and carries significant weight in public opinion here.
In particular, the British officials objected to clauses calling for common policies on immigration, social welfare and criminal justice.
Hashim Thaci, a 29-year-old political science graduate and leading insurgent, stubbornly insisted that the peace document contain a clause calling for a referendum.
Mr. Janvey calls the clause calling for arbitrators to decide the worth of the firm "ambiguous."
Shortly after the agreement was signed, the clauses calling for territorial negotiation and an end to military actions were broken by Poland.
The ensuing truce came affixed with a clause calling for the creation of a clothing company to celebrate the reformed rebels' deadly sense of style.