Whilst it has not been officially stated, it is believed that the clause preventing these albums' re-release only covered CD releases and not other formats.
(3) ask whether the clause could cover some alternative liability other than for negligence, and if it can it covers that.
It also contains the additional clauses to cover specific requirements of the project and project documents.
Q. What do noncompete clauses cover?
Christopher Jeans QC, for NGN, said the clause covered the "occupational hazards of being an editor" and not alleged criminal activity.
It would be possible to take the view that clause 12 covered all costs, charges and expenses whether or not improperly incurred.
However, Prost's clause only covered the 1993 season.
The clause must be sufficiently brought to the attention of visitors to the premises and must clearly cover the breach of duty which it seeks to exclude.
In 1823, the circuit court in Corfield had provided a list of the rights (some fundamental, some not) which the clause could cover.
Moreover, the GSP's social clause does not cover a sufficiently broad geographical area.