And there would not be a clause prohibiting Medicare from negotiating with drug companies for lower prices.
However, this clause also prohibited them from doing any long-term commitments like movies or plays.
One clause prohibited any constitutional amendment regarding the international slave trade.
And it will remain that way: the surrounding land was sold to a local farmer in the 1950s with a clause prohibiting development.
But another clause of the Constitution prohibits the Government from taking private property for public use without "just compensation."
Some airlines have labor contracts that include clauses prohibiting secondary actions.
But a clause in the center's lease prohibits any activity that would "adversely impact" normal operations.
Kommersant says that this clause would prohibit opposition leaders from accusing government officials of corruption.
There was also a noncompete clause, prohibiting the two from sending photographers to a specific location for a fixed time period.
They enforced clauses prohibiting alcohol, dancing, and gambling as a condition on every parcel of land sold.