The clause restricts any legal action against Lloyd's by the investors to the British courts.
The clause does not restrict the authority from seeking a baseball team in the Meadowlands, but losing the Devils would impose a heavy penalty.
Its general pattern is that if clauses restrict liability, particularly negligence, of one party, the clause must pass the "reasonableness test" in section 11 and Schedule 2.
Because of the reservations of some member states, notably Germany and the UK, the clause clearly restricts the scope of Community action.
Because of the increased risk due to the speeds of which these vessels are capable the clause restricts the cover granted substantially.
Some constitutions use entrenched clauses to restrict the kind of amendment to which they may be subject.
Such clauses severely restrict the government's ability to change any regulations that would have a negative economic impact on the investment.
A constitutional clause restricts his ability to run less than four years after leaving office.
This clause restricted the grounds of judicial review to very narrow levels.
Later we deal with how far a clause can legitimately restrict competition by a former employee: legitimacy is determined by whether the restriction is reasonable.