Further, standard clauses will often specify an alternative if the parties fail to reach agreement within a specified time.
The final declaration is not binding on governments, and clauses specify that it does not take precedence over national laws or religious beliefs.
The condense-op clause specifies the aggregating operation used to combine the cell value expressions into one single value.
After all, the clause does not specify minor league or major league stadiums.
The Russian constitutional clauses does not specify rules regarding deputy ministerial appointments.
The other clause specifies a reliable system for converting rubles into dollars and other hard currencies in an unrestricted or nearly unrestricted foreign exchange market.
The clause for cost reimbursement contracts specifies that changes may be made to the "plans and specifications or instructions incorporated in the contract."
He also said the clause allowing American inspection in suspect cases did not specify how quickly visits could be made.
If the clause specifies the President as the appointor of the expert or arbitrator, it is thought that he must do so personally.
Other than you, and you're not a citizen-in-good-standing-" "Because the clause doesn't specify between live Cardassians and dead ones, Captain.