Two months earlier, the watchdog began investigating whether a restrictive clause in Microsoft's contracts with computer equipment makers violated antitrust laws.
The lawsuit claims ESPN violated the "Most Favored Nations" clause.
Student leaders voted 31 to 21 on Monday to eliminate a clause that had allowed only people of African descent to serve on the group's executive board, saying the clause violated the college's nondiscrimination policy.
The bill, which the Legislature is expected to pass next week, was proposed after a Federal court ruled in January that the clause on destructive competition violated provisions of the United States Constitution protecting interstate commerce.
The commission began an inquiry into whether a restrictive clause in Microsoft's contracts with computer equipment makers violated antitrust laws.
In 2012, he filed several lawsuits claiming that the natural-born-citizen clause violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, arguing it was a form of discrimination based on national origin.
He filed several lawsuits claiming that the natural-born-citizen clause violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.
Because many companies use a "reservation of rights" clause similar to that of Curtiss-Wright, there would have been broad ramifications had the Supreme Court ruled that such clauses violated Erisa.
The district court found that the announce clause did not violate the Constitution.
The court determined that the proper approach to the present matter was to determine whether the time-limitation clause violated section 34 of the Constitution and was thus contrary to public policy.