It can withstand light to moderate frosts and prefers a sandy loam although it may be grown in rocky or clay-based soils.
The generally flat terrain and the poor drainage of the Red River Valley's clay-based soil also results in a seasonal explosion of insects, especially mosquitoes.
This species is found in western Colorado, usually on open outcrops of clay-based soils called "adobe hills".
Pastor Shane Rogerson said the building was "ill-fated from the beginning" because it was built on clay-based soil, which meant it will always have problems with cracking.
Areas with clay-based soils tended to remain as woodland whilst the limestone areas provided grassland for pasture.
Essex County is largely composed of clay-based soils, with sandy soils along the beaches and shores.
The upper half of the county is located in the Piedmont region and consists of gently rolling hills and clay-based soils.
The brush a rancher sees on the range may hide rocky ground or rich clay-based soil that is fine for grazing.
Others, such as the Shire, are slower and more powerful, bred to plow fields with heavy, clay-based soils.
Like many of the courses in Puerto Rico, with their clay-based soil, Palmas del Mar suffers from sluggish drainage.