The round shape makes it easier to clean out (a task that requires personnel to physically climb into the vessels) between brewing cycles.
His case was open on the floor beside the bed, and I saw no indication that he thought of cleaning his instruments between usages.
But as anyone knows who has tried to brush out a wedged-in bit of food, the brush is not adequate for cleaning between teeth.
Doctors began to use chemicals to cleanse wounds and clean their tools between each patient.
Martha sipped from the water she held in her hands and asked, "Is it all right if I clean between my toes, Officer?
It didn't matter if the rooms were made up and reasonably cleaned between renters.
To clean between deck boards, use a putty knife or an old handsaw.
Amaddi took out a matchbook, opened the cover, and cleaned between his side teeth.
If sharing a toy, make sure you clean it between each use in warm soapy water, or use a condom as protection.
This is because they cannot clean between their quills.