Why, your men even come to clean this house by day.
The 10-year-old girl was told to clean her room by the end of the weekend.
Yeah, you can't clean the outside of the car by the interior light.
Not once, he told me, had a chimney cleaned by him ever caught fire.
Then she began to clean and paint the house room by room.
You might have to clean the registry by hand.
The other day I cleaned the bathroom by myself.
At first she cleaned homes by day and theaters by night.
They're going to clean it all up for me, too, even all those bugs I got by mistake.
As your child gets older, he or she should have their teeth professionally examined and cleaned by a dentist every 6 months.
A parks official said the area was clean and back to normal by 3 p.m. the day after the walk.
The gangster had tried murder, yet seemed clean by comparison.
As the rails come clear, ground clean by the weight of the train, the men and women take them up again.
Davis was supposedly embarrassed into getting clean by this incident.
Remember what I said about the rules, because if it isn't all ready and all clean by tomorrow morning, you're not coming with us.
Last year, he said, the park was clean by Tuesday.
The people of the Lion Camp were clean, by their own standards.
He'll know whether or not they're clean by tomorrow morning.
"If it isn't, they had better bone up fast, because I plan to sweep the board clean by this time tomorrow."
"The man I'm after might get clean away by morning."