But the industry has struggled in recent years to compete against cheaper imported coal and cleaner forms of energy.
She is an individual all-arounder known for her clean form and artistry.
Szabo had a clean form in execution and was rewarded 17 scores of perfect ten between 1983 and 1984.
Damiano bounded forward, fixing his eyes on the clean form once more before it rounded a corner.
It is one of the cleanest form of energy for producing power.
'It's not a very clean form of energy, I agree,' he said, and he pursed his lips.
In the cleanest form, a given set of jobs need to be assigned to time slots, each job requires one such slot.
She has regularly promoted her ideas for clean, alternative and job-generating forms of energy.
"Bush clearly favors big oil at the expense of cheaper, cleaner forms of energy."
It is also a question of buying the cleanest form of fuel.