It uses epidemiological studies to project the number of pollution-related deaths in 2007, after some important new clean-air regulations will have taken effect and presumably reduced the level of emissions.
There is California, which sets its own clean-air regulations and plans to force automakers to cut greenhouse gas emissions and sell some emission-free vehicles.
Among the 200 or so proposed amendments are measures to delay new clean-air regulations, scale back affirmative action programs and weaken labor protections for construction workers.
However much of a wizard he was, he didn't have to deal with marketing consultants, or clean-air regulations.
The Administration is considering executive actions on initiatives like clean-air regulations and promoting parental leave.
The council has been unnecessarily zealous in toning down the Environmental Protection Agency's plans for clean-air regulations.
A state judge threw out, on a technicality, the clean-air regulations that the governor more than four years earlier promised would be the toughest in the country.
This powerful position allows Jeffords, an ardent supporter of clean-air regulation, to effectively block any legislation that makes life easier for dirty-power-plant operators.
But the E.P.A. says it has never fined anyone, and some state officials, who also enforce clean-air regulations, said they could not recall any enforcement actions.
It oversaw clean-air regulations and securities markets, telecommunications and energy, railroads and toys and consumer protection.