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In overturning a clean-air standard today, a Federal appeals court panel here focused on the "nondelegation doctrine," invoking a phrase with an unfamiliar ring.
Governor Bush pledged power plants would have to meet clean-air standards while promising to enact tougher policies to protect the environment.
Also, toll-dodgers - especially trucks - snarl lower Manhattan traffic to the point that pollution violates clean-air standards.
Both New York and New Jersey must cut auto use by 20 percent to meet clean-air standards, not increase it as a new stadium would do.
New York has yet to meet federal clean-air standards.
If Gordon were truly into saving the world, he would invest his time and millions in upgrading old power plants to meet clean-air standards.
He has referred to climate change research as "riddled with fraud" and has vowed to fight attempts to advance clean-air standards.
Not only did Northeast and United Illuminating avoid deep rate cuts and receive a few handouts, but environmental groups got strong conservation measures and clean-air standards.
Air quality in Connecticut fails to meet federal clean-air standards mostly because of ground-level ozone.
Some governors and lawmakers say the clean-air standards are too onerous and should be changed.