He also offered incentives for developing alternative energy sources and clean-burning fuels.
A clean-burning fuel that produces less carbon dioxide than coal or oil, natural gas is making Americans look north with new respect.
We must break our addiction to today's high-polluting gasoline and take advantage of new clean-burning fuels.
Domestically produced natural gas, a clean-burning fuel, can also be turned into methanol.
Natural gas is a very clean-burning fuel, which consists almost entirely of methane with sulfur content near zero.
I found this tidbit while researching a high-school paper on using hydrogen as a clean-burning fuel.
The bill requires fleet operators in larger cities to convert to clean-burning fuels, including compressed natural gas during the next ten years.
Methane is a very good, clean-burning fuel, but some of the best deposits are a kilometer deep or more, and they're not easy to exploit.
It establishes electricity as a clean-burning fuel for tax purposes.
Test your knowledge of this extremely light, clean-burning fuel source with the hydrogen-powered vehicle quiz.