His skin was a light brown and he had a pock-marked clean-shaven face.
The way they both went with his clean-shaven face was singularly appealing.
At that thought, the smile faded from Will's clean-shaven face.
He looked about forty, very dark with a melancholy clean-shaven face.
A clean-shaven face did not come back into fashion until the end of the 1880s and early 1890s.
Ned found it natural to sit beside them, the only clean-shaven face in the row.
The other man, who was much younger and frailer, had a thin, clean-shaven face.
The dark, clean-shaven face was strong and proud, the mouth firm yet sensitive.
He had a clean-shaven face, of the naval officer type, with large, bright eyes, and a firm, straight mouth.
Harry saw that the man had a thin, clean-shaven face with a strong nose and chin.