It may chase the wrasse away or go off to find another cleaning station, never to return.
This cleaning takes place at a definite cleaning station, usually by a large rock or near some other bold feature on the sea bed.
Mantas drop in at several cleaning stations around the reef.
The lake is very important and is used as a cleaning station for the toxic wastes.
He rose, picking up his tray to return it to the cleaning station.
Other cleaning stations may be located under large clumps of floating seaweed or at an accepted point in a river or lagoon.
The area also has manta ray "cleaning stations".
A sea mound just 200 m. (650 ft.) offshore, is a cleaning station for large pelagics.
The museum building itself was completed in 1919 as a cleaning station for seeds.
In an average car wash, there are multiple rinse arches, usually after each major cleaning station.