Either these people had the most efficient cleaning system ever developed, or this station was brand new.
The equipment sits a few yards from the pool, along with a filter, a pump, a cleaning system and a heater.
Less dazzling, perhaps, but equally important in a busy kitchen is the cleaning system.
At 21:50, radiation alarms mounted on the cleaning system detected a sudden increase in the amount of krypton-85.
However, some cleaning systems can require well over a thousand cleaning balls.
Such cleaning systems often exactly match the requirements regarding parts, contaminants and charging methods (special production).
Today - after over 50 years in the market - Silicoil remains one of the leading brush cleaning systems.
Another advantage of a central cleaning system is lack of noise.
This can be done in the tumbler or in a separate cleaning system.
The rinse arch removes almost all of the residue left from the cleaning systems.