It is roomy, cleanly designed, reasonably priced and it comes with a lot of safety features.
This cleanly designed cooktop makes an ideal choice since its focus is not on bulk, but on form following function.
Reiss' posters are always cleanly designed and easy to understand, often composed of simple drawings with a photo-montage or simple photographed elements.
Some offer helpful information on cleanly designed and well organized sites.
Three months ago, if I'd tried to put something cleanly designed in front of you, you'd have gone off like one of Arnold's electrons.
The main controller is a cleanly designed cordless unit that is generally held like a television remote, pointing at the screen.
(You can also control playback from the computer, using a cleanly designed control screen that shows up in, of all things, your Web browser.)
They're good-looking, cleanly designed machines that work with both Mac and Windows.
The dining room is cleanly designed, with aqua-blue banquettes and a long counter faced in white ceramic tile.
She glanced at it, thinking it was just like the man who carried it: cleanly designed, straightforward, and without a shred of ostentation.