One method for removing the remaining PMMA is to flood expose the substrate and use the developing solution to cleanly remove the resist.
Gaffer tape generally costs 3 to 4 times the amount of a roll of duct tape of equivalent length; this is because it is manufactured in much smaller volumes, and to different specifications that make it easy to tear and to remove cleanly.
I would at the same time remove cleanly any skinny branches that are zipping off across the inside of the bush in order to divert the shrub's energies into more productive growth.
The adhesive leaves little or no residue, and the tape removes cleanly from cables, fabric, and many other surfaces.
Still, it remained the RPL's difficult responsibility to cleanly remove itself from memory at the end of the boot phase, if possible.
But I would imagine you can go to Add/Remove Programs and cleanly remove the Join.
And brass corrosion-products will be easier to remove cleanly with acid and/or abrasion than rust and other decay products of stainless.
The egg-shaped vehicles, painted a bright yellow, rode easily a foot above the sea of broken rubble, sucking up a steady stream of shattered brick as cleanly as a vacuum cleaner removing spilled Wheaties from a rug, and disgorging stacks of glossy white discs in neat rows.
He's also developed a process to purportedly quickly and cleanly remove all dangerous poisons from toxic sites and renew nutrients in soil.