With loophole lobbyists waiting to enlarge them, the trick will be to keep the cleanup bill clean.
The remaining cost of the $9 million cleanup bill will be paid from the state Superfund program.
Washington, however, has paid the entire cleanup bill for at least one other recent disaster, Hurricane Hugo in 1989.
Only then would New York State, through its environmental restoration program, cover a significant chunk of the estimated $12 million cleanup bill.
The cleanup bill for the nuclear wastes the United States has now will make the savings and loan bailout look like petty cash.
Now those facilities have been declared Superfund sites, and I'm left holding a cleanup bill of more than $450,000.
Included in the cost is a $385 billion cleanup bill, most of it not yet spent.
Oak Ridge is not by any means getting away scot-free on its cleanup bill.
Officials estimate the cleanup bill for two dumps in East Hampton alone at nearly $80 million.
The idea is you don't want to have a huge cleanup bill every time there are 100-mile-per-hour winds.