Leaf and Shadow led the horses to water at a small clear brook five minutes' walk toward Theptis.
Her hair, still damp from washing in the clean and clear brook, glittered with a light of its own in the dimness.
After a while, they came to a thick patch of woodland, through which murmured a clear brook.
A slowly winding, clear brook, known locally merely as the Brook, ran north to south through its middle.
It's only a couple of miles to the place I have in mind; there's a small grassy clearing in the forest near a clear pebbly brook?
Another explanation states that the place name is a contraction of Croyw-nant, the clear brook.
I dreamt of carp swimming in a clear brook.
It joined up with a clear brook that soon became a raging stream as they traveled farther south.
The War World was a single, solid city in which no plant grew and no clear brook relieved the eye.
They were reclining in lawn chairs set beside a clear brook on Mr. Sanders's three-acre wooded home here.