He poked Harry's face into the outside air, let the helpless man inhale enough clear atmosphere to partially revive him.
The clear atmosphere enables me to see each object in its true point of view, while my heart is still.
It was a cool, clear atmosphere, where everyone was himself, and in harmony.
The Shadow was forming an air shaft to the clear atmosphere above.
The day was sunlit and still, and far objects stood up with sharp outlines in the clear atmosphere.
This is followed by a beautiful but simple trumpet solo that gives a very peaceful and clear atmosphere to the piece, like a winter's day.
As we came in we saw the relatively calm atmosphere, clear to an amazing depth.
The Mount Hamilton site was chosen because of the clear atmosphere.
In the clear atmosphere he could see it plainly although it was still a mile or so away.
On the 26th, under an atmosphere perfectly clear and dry, the thermometer fell to 12 degrees F. below zero.