What was even more frightening was my clear awareness that this was a paranoid fantasy.
Startling that he could get no clearer awareness, he who had such a marvellously sensitive perception.
That had been his first true extinction, his first clear awareness that no part of you was really left after you were gone.
Without a clear awareness of our differences, we do not take the time to understand and respect each other.
With a clearer awareness of the anatomy of an argument, I was able to solve this problem in a fairer way.
Meditation is the practice of focusing attention on feeling calm and having a clear awareness about life.
Hopkins had an equally clear awareness of the importance of personal presentation and she worked hard to perfect an appropriate style of public speaking.
But that unity must be one of reconciliation, under an Emperor with a clear awareness of limits.
Meditation, which is the practice of focusing your attention to help you feel calm and give you a clear awareness about your life.
With no clear awareness of having left the guest room, Paul looked down the enclosed stairs.