This thick, clear coating is applied over inner surfaces of neutral colors.
Though car manufacturers have been using some kind of clear coating for decades, the clear coat used today became the norm in the early 1990s.
Can you help me identify a sun-resistant, clear coating that I can apply to protect them?
It is used for paints and clear coating for metals.
It is used as a clear coating for metals - copper, brass, bronze, and zinc.
All regular discs have a clear coating that protects them from scratches but still allows a laser beam to read and write on the surface.
We would like to put a clear coating over this stone to bring out the color.
The pipes will be washed carefully, then sealed with a clear coating to trap any fibers that remain.
Sensing that, he even threw confetti into dresses and jackets that seemed to have caught it inside a sealed clear coating.
Finishes include a clear coating, wood stains and colored lacquers, usually black, though wilder hues like purple or yellow are available.