Having clear disclosure (such as in a privacy policy) tends to eliminate any negative effects of such cookie discovery.
It also calls for clearer disclosure to the members of the class about the terms of any settlement and the legal fees being sought.
I agree it would be better for some clearer disclosure in the credits about the use of footage not shot on location.
The suit would not affect his business, he said, because his company offered better terms and clearer disclosure than did the companies cited in court.
A. It looks as if they plunged in value, although there is no clear disclosure on that.
League rules mandate a clear disclosure when a player is injured after Wednesday.
The company said this week that it would "add clear disclosures to its marketing materials" to clarify its relationship with universities.
They also call for funds to make clear and meaningful disclosures to investors.
I also welcome the initiatives to push for the more proactive and clear disclosure of documents through improved Internet databases.
But what there has been too little of at home is the clear disclosure and pursuit of fraud.