This statement is a clear display of Belial's influence over man regarding sin.
Collins's grunt work, rarely noticeable to fans, was on clear display Wednesday night.
What clearer display of the relationship between population size and these three factors do you need?
The night brought a clear display of stars, he spent several hours on deck studying the bright array in the heavens.
Second, that Chen tended to loaf, a trait on clear display this morning.
The Clintons' style of damage control has certain hallmarks that have been on clear display since the 1992 campaign.
At one point there is a clear display of some surprise by Lenore.
A perfectly clear display of the only alien humans had ever seen.
But the people are also disillusioned by the divisions among opposition leaders, they said, and those were on clear display.
But its clear display and large text allow easy tapping with the index finger and quick access to information.