He said a clear pathway to sustainable development had been mapped out but they were still at the start of the journey.
The man's tears patter on his uniform, making fresh clear pathways in the dust.
A lack of materials made it very difficult to conduct novel research, and map out a clear pathway to achieving the fuel they needed.
All of the big guards swarmed around the emperor, opening a clear pathway before him.
Okay, so the product is not exactly scalable, and it's hard to see a clear pathway for innovation.
"I found a clear pathway that leads outside."
But don't start the engine until you see a clear pathway to the exit ramp.
A clear pathway opened up before them, forcing the slime off to the sides.
It would give Israelis security and Palestinians a clear pathway to an independent state.
When an older person suffers a fracture, a clear pathway should be in place for them to prevent future falls.