We hope that a clear recommendation on national selection procedures will contribute to this.
If you are receiving automated reports, with no clear recommendations, then this is not good value for money.
Because the test is unaccompanied by any clear medical recommendations, it doesn't provide solace so much as open a Pandora's box.
"If we want to make clear recommendations, however, we'll need more precise data."
Currently, therefore, the only clear recommendation for treatment is in symptomatic patients.
We should like to see a clearer general recommendation concerning the abolition of the death penalty.
It makes ten very clear recommendations for a new Action Plan to start in 2007.
I believe that this constitutes a clear recommendation, and we have acted upon it.
The Commission has made clear recommendations on the basis of overall objective assessment in the opinions.
We would have preferred the Committee's clearer recommendation for a joint start to negotiations.