The Finnic languages form a complex dialect continuum with few clear-cut boundaries.
Unlike active articulation, passive articulation is a continuum without many clear-cut boundaries.
Yet the unincorporated areas have names and are considered communities by many residents despite having no clear-cut boundaries.
Identity is more about self-identification than clear-cut, scientific boundaries.
This viewpoint is indirectly supported by the fact that there was no clear-cut boundary between two styles.
As these philological issues are often inseparable from issues of interpretation, there is no clear-cut boundary between philology and hermeneutics.
Designating culture groups, such as the Hohokam, tends to create an image of group territories separated by clear-cut boundaries, like modern nation states.
The clear-cut boundaries established by Spanish legislation on marriage were not followed to the letter by all.
Also part of the natural environment is universal natural resources and physical phenomena that lack clear-cut boundaries, such as air, water, and climate.
Sharply defining cultural groups tends to create an image of group territories separated by clear-cut boundaries, similar to modern nation states.