It was rarely possible to unambiguously identify incorrect memories, where descriptions were produced which did not clearly correspond to any junction on the video there was usually no way to decide what event the description represented an incorrect memory for.
The six time periods all clearly corresponded to the climate in Death Valley, which was the driving force behind Lake Manly's formation and disappearance.
Nevertheless they were established soon, as Bernard became one of the most important and powerful churchman involved in crusade policies which clearly corresponded to the refused aristocratic ambitions within the Cluniac Association.
Certainly the first condition as described in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 - that is, the general spiritual a moral decay of culture in the last days - is present today in a way that clearly corresponds to the prophetic warnings of Scripture.
Thus the line running from Nan Elmoth to Sarn Athrad clearly corresponds to what is said in citation (ii).
The advent of space probes has revolutionized the scientific understanding of Mars, and some of the classical albedo features have become obsolete as they do not correspond clearly with the detailed images provided by spacecraft.
This barricaded door corresponded clearly with the shuttered window outside, and yet I could see by the glimmer from beneath it that the room was not in darkness.
The second is its wide distribution, which does not correspond clearly to any particular clerical order.
The handwritten signature of each person effecting the termination shall either be accompanied by a statement of the full name and address of that person, typewritten or printed legibly by hand, or shall clearly correspond to such a statement elsewhere in the notice.
Clearly correspond to traditions or cultural activities related, that allow us to treat them both as northeastern rock art, a more precise explanation of their differences remains pending.