The party is also clearly counting on getting as much exposure for the ad campaign through today's news conference as from the ads themselves.
Rather than numbers or nonsense syllables, a random word may be assigned to a rhythm to clearly count each beat.
Morales is clearly counting on the 1.5 million Hispanic voters, who could amount to as much as 15 percent of the electorate.
So, the five months of coverage between August 1, 2005 and December 31, 2005 clearly counts against the exclusion period.
Yet, Brod was clearly counting on that hope, trying to duck back behind the spire they had just passed.
Mr. Gaston's fellow ministers are clearly counting on his knowledge of the police.
Mr. Jackson's rivals are also clearly counting on the press to take a new, and tougher, look at him.
He clearly counts himself as one of those friends.
The general didn't seem particularly impressed with himself, but he was clearly counting on Kirk's being impressed with him.
When I left, Gran was clearly counting her chickens.