There were no clearly demarcated battle lines between the fighting factions.
The head region is clearly demarcated, has eight eyes and a few setae.
Even today, the area can be clearly demarcated by its physical structure of the rest of the western city.
Although these lines are often clearly demarcated, they do not have the legitimacy of an agreed international boundary.
However, a 1997 study of these characters revealed that the three varieties are not clearly demarcated.
The boundary between shaman and lay person was not always clearly demarcated.
Icons are signs and symbols that clearly demarcate a consumption experience from any other.
The line between sunlight and storm was clearly demarcated.
In its place would be clearly demarcated sections for different age groups, with equipment for various kinds of play.
They are working in a small kitchen, each with her own clearly demarcated territory, and harmony reigns.