Other - There are some occupations in the General Schedule which do not clearly fit into one of the groups.
She'd always been drawn to a man with intelligence, and Rafe clearly fit that criterion.
The name clearly fits the person, as he is an exceptionally talented teacher, having received numerous awards for this.
The elaborate songs of male birds clearly fit best a manipulatory interpretation.
Still, at the end of three hours of discussion, he returned to an optimistic viewpoint - a position that clearly fits his nature.
The high idealism of the war years still reigned, and mission work seemed to fit clearly with hopeful expectations for international democracy.
Some ship types do not fit clearly into the commonly used ship classifications.
There are also a few regions which do not clearly fit into any of these.
A new image that clearly fits somewhere into a subject matter slot, and which is consistent with images already stored there, gives us little difficulty.
The court held that Konop's website clearly fits the definition of an "electronic communication."