But in a town that still bears the full weight of its past, death clearly holds the upper hand.
She found her phone and started dialing 911, thinking he could clearly hold the two while the police came.
Field's mantra "Give the lady what she wants" clearly still holds true today.
He has an agenda against the popular press, a section of the media he clearly holds in contempt.
This garden clearly held the secret of the spider's death.
Gail was clearly holding on to life by the thinnest of threads.
Handball only allowed if ball held clearly in one hand and punched or hit out with other.
He said that while the two sides agreed on many issues, they clearly held different views on spending and the town budget.
"How could the United States advance the interests of a man who clearly holds us in such contempt?"
He clearly held an edge among voters who care most about conservative issues.