I tapped the side of my face, clearly referring to her own facial laceration.
If you look at the subtitle, 'not a germ of truth' clearly refers to Iraq.
Yet the speech was more striking for its tough talk about an unspoken enemy, clearly referring to Iraq.
Question 9 is peculiar, and clearly refers to things used for ritual or magic.
I was surprised to hear him say that because he was clearly referring to economic and monetary union.
In this case, the middle term is the class of students, and the first use clearly refers to 'all students'.
Matthew 13:19 quite clearly refers to Satan when discussing similar issues.
The word "emperor" in this context clearly refers to a military role.
Often, images which clearly refer to part of this story differ in some way.
There is nothing in his statements that refers clearly to the need to defend and update the European social model.