The latter is clearly stung.
But the loss clearly stung, as did the double-digit defeat in New Jersey, a blue state that had seemed within reach for the Republicans.
She came to work every day, but Kai, still clearly stung, disappeared for a bit, after moving a few blocks away.
The governor was clearly stung by the criticisms, and particularly by comparisons with his predecessor's first budget.
But they are clearly stung.
The President was clearly stung by these statements.
Crawford, who was clearly stung by Brown's decision to move him to the bench, did not offer any details of his chat with Thomas.
"What-" Gwynn drew back, clearly stung by the unex-pected mental contact.
Ms. Hurley recalled, clearly stung, "They even wrote that my baby was ugly."
Dean, clearly stung, from then on hated the school.