Leu is conserved at position P1 for all four cleavage sites.
The cleavage site associated with a polyadenylation signal can vary up to some 50 nucleotides.
The function or substrate specificity these cleavage sites impart has yet to be determined.
The cleavage site also has to be already known to do labeling.
The cleavage site is after a His or an Arg, liberating a short peptide.
This is done by modifying the host DNA at or near each potential cleavage site.
Thus, a favored and a minor cleavage site seem to exist for the signal peptide.
Most mutations affect the extracellular domain of the receptor, some also the cleavage site.
However, the proteases that recognize these cleavage sites are tissue-specific.
No.15 also showed a broad region of 0.17 probability just downstream of the cleavage site.