On December 8, 2005, Governor Schwarzenegger held a clemency hearing.
He is being held in a juvenile facility and is awaiting a clemency hearing.
He is being held in a juvenile prison and awaits a clemency hearing.
But the court said an apology or a clemency hearing was not enough.
Lionel's lawyers had asked Mr. Bush for an expedited clemency hearing in case their appeal failed.
Gov. Jeb Bush denied his request for an early clemency hearing.
The clemency hearing involved both a personal interview and a mandatory mental examination of the prisoner.
Dawn Pueschel, whose brother and sister-in-law were killed 19 years ago, said the timing of the clemency hearings was suspicious.
The board may grant clemency hearings and may recommend commutation, pardon or parole to the Governor.
A clemency hearing is scheduled for Thursday in Springfield.