The identification teams moved in a businesslike fashion, but where their jaws were visible, Keel detected clenched muscles.
Nothing more than that; a sense of relief loosened her clenched muscles.
In tiny doses, this toxin relaxes the clenched facial muscles that cause crow's feet, frown lines, and the like.
He saw the lumps of clenched muscle at the corner of Peter's jaw, and the fire in his eyes.
It would have hurt him less, could he have relaxed the clenched muscles of arm and hand.
Now she slumps when seated at school to pressure her clenched muscles, she said.
Mitchell turned to look out his window, rubbing the clenched muscles of his jaw.
Sessions can involve hours of strength work (how else do you stay on the thing if not for clenched muscles?)
Brannigan noticed the clenched muscles of his jaw before he turned his head away.
Her stomach cramped again, drawing a ragged cry of pain from her throat as he moved quickly to rub the clenched muscle with a broad hand.