Catholics are susceptible to malign clerical influence.
But perhaps nowhere is clerical influence as pervasive boroughwide as in the Bronx, where it transforms entire communities, rather than just particular congregations or constituencies.
In 1817 he was appointed rector of the University of Rouen, but in 1822 was removed owing to clerical influence.
In the above cited examples, the degree of official Catholic support and clerical influence over lawmaking and government varies.
However clerical Anti-Parnellite influence continued to be strong.
Navarre was staunchly Catholic and much under clerical influence.
This in itself bears witness to the limits of clerical influence.
This was probably due to clerical influences.
Gustavus, whose lively imagination was easily excited by religious ardour, enormously magnified clerical influence in Poland and frequently scented dangers where only difficulties existed.
Tarte chose not to run for re-election in 1881, partly due to being disconcerted by the Vatican's warnings against clerical influence in politics.