But Mr. Shahrour says he and an increasing number of intellectuals cannot be deterred by clerical opposition.
It was temporary closed by regent queen Ulrika Eleonora of Sweden in 1738 because of the clerical opposition, but soon reopened.
The marriage provoked some clerical opposition as Nikephoros had been god-father to one or more of Theophano's children, which placed them within a prohibited spiritual relationship.
The only result of clerical opposition was that the established Church once again forfeited its chance to control developments.
He was a leader in organizing clerical opposition to the Virginia legislature's Two-Penny Acts of 1755 and 1758.
But facing clerical opposition again, he failed.
He was smarting from the clerical opposition that had been marshaled against his nonsectarian charter for Cornell University.
Interestingly Gregory also records similar clerical opposition to Sidonius, during his episcopate, fifty years earlier.
An early effort by Gen. Pervez Musharraf to review blasphemy laws quickly ran into political and clerical opposition.
At Barbiana, despite both clerical and lay opposition, Milani continued his radical educational activities.