Within days a second field office was created and manned, complete with imported agents and clerical personnel to work exclusively on the Coors case.
The 750 laid-off positions will be a mix of middle and senior managers and support staff, like secretaries and other clerical personnel.
To approve the retirement of lay and clerical personnel.
It employs a staff of about 30 researchers, librarians and clerical personnel.
Starling thought the clerical personnel looked unusually spiffy.
The staff consists of over 90 professional educators, 20 educational aides and 10 clerical personnel.
Various state and national level Academies, institutes and units provide training to officers of all ranks, and other police and clerical personnel.
The three women are shop stewards for the Communications Workers, which represents most of the clerical and counter personnel.
The staff includes three administrators, 60 teachers, three guidance counselors, one librarian, eight instructional assistants, and four clerical personnel.
I was acting under full authority from the bridge and even our clerical personnel were supportive.