"Boise, Idaho," by Sean Michael Welch and "Daniel on a Thursday," by Garth Wingfield are both clever comedies.
TWO Broadway adaptations, a story with family appeal and a clever comedy of mistaken identity await movie buffs this week.
The show had a popular mix of sketches, characters and clever comedy, producing a number of best-of CD's.
Many critics admired the film for its sharp and clever comedy, as well as Downey's and Kilmer's screen chemistry and individual performances.
On the evidence of the amazing abundance of clever, adventurous American comedies that have arrived here during the last two weeks, it's looking like Christmas in July.
Another is "Welcome to the Dollhouse," a devilishly clever black comedy about a junior high school girl going through the most awkward preadolescence imaginable.
This is a clever double-entendre, since the movie is very much a homemade family project as well as a clever, intricate comedy whose subject is vanity.
"La Tremenda Corte", was the work of this clever and prolific comedy writer Castor Vispo definitely fused with speech and Cuban folk psychology.
But Mr. Ramis turned such frustrations into clever comedy with "Groundhog Day," and he tries for similarly mind-bending, wistful humor here.
It's amazing how well Nabokov fuses the deepest tragedy and cleverest comedy together in such a elegant way.