Ivan Ogareff, who was a clever engineer, was perfectly competent to direct a regular siege; but he did not possess the materials for operating rapidly.
Nor did it care what became of starships, their clever engineers, or their intrepid crews.
"Ah, the two clever engineers," the alien rumbled.
The clever young engineer, Fever Crumb, is swept up in a race to build a flying machine.
Gerald is a dear, but he's desperately poor-though he's a very clever engineer and if only he had a little capital, his firm would take him into partnership.
You are a clever engineer, and yet you are not aggressive.
Auto racing history is replete with examples of clever engineers and racers taking advantage of badly worded rules.
He was a few years younger than she and a clever atomic engineer whose work took him all over the world.
He is an Hungarian and a very clever engineer.
And he had a reservoir of bronze made for them by a clever engineer, such as had never been made previously.