With such a clever name, Lash relaunched the newspaper and published three editions before tragedy stuck.
Flat iron steak, from the shoulder or chuck (and a cut that proves there is a great deal in a clever name), has caught on.
Not enough ferns, or drinks with clever names and inflated prices.
Perhaps the most visible part of the Internet is the fast-growing companies with clever names and oscillating stock prices.
Different bombs are in the works, each with their own suits and abilities, but the team has yet to think up clever names.
There have been efforts to come up with a similarly clever name for the potential fourth consecutive championship in the year following a three-peat.
A clever name like smart curb goes a long way.
The couple formed a company, one with a clever name: Calloo Callay.
During the cold war, the futurists who studied world conflict had devised a clever name for such an event: the "worst-case scenario."
They give the trends a clever name.