To the right, toward the light, the cliff plunged straight to the valley floor, and the ledge vanished.
San Sebastian, Spain: The coast road from Bilbao to San Sebastián is a glorious journey past spectacular seascapes, with cove after cove stretching east and verdant fields suddenly ending where cliffs plunge into the sea.
High cliffs up to 80 meters tall, plunges in the Atlantic Ocean in perpetual movement.
You can walk the circuit of the old ramparts; they enfold an infinity of red roofs; you then turn and look the other way and almost swoon from vertigo as, beyond a waist-high wall, cliffs plunge sheer to the Adriatic.
The eastern and western shores of the bay are very rocky and even mountainous; in places large cliffs plunge into deep water.
He met no one, except thousands of silvery sardines schooling where the cliff plunged into the deeps, providing them shelter.
Selvagem Grande is a plateau from which 100m high cliffs plunge into the sea.
Black along the lower slopes, where cliffs plunged into shadowed gorges on all sides, the mighty peak's color merged toward a rusty red on the higher elevations.
Sheer cliffs plunge into the Adriatic Sea along Albania's coastline.
Take some of the sidetracks to camp sites and parking areas to drink in the wonderful coastal views where sheer vegetated cliffs plunge into indigo waters, and rocky islands off the coastline hide small coves, sandy beaches and look out onto rolling surf.